Reflecting on 2013

posted in: hobbies | 1

Well, 2013 is drawing swiftly to a close. And what do you do when you’re home alone, stuffed-up with a cold, and yet strangely energized by a sense of melancholic urgency because this song from Beasts of the Southern Wild is playing?

You reflect, dammit. Reflect hard. And then have some tea and maybe a quick nap. Then you reflect again.

In lieu of a proper blog post, here a few personal highlights from the year, in pictures. A mix of the serious, the sad and the silly (and made-up), but I suppose every year is.

January first sweater knitting
January: Knit a sweater, my first ever. Well, except for that time I stapled scarves around this kid I was baby-sitting who’s real sweater I’d accidentally set on fire in the microwave. That was a weird Saturday.
February Stephan Cypress snowshoeing
February: First-time snowshoeing. A great way to extend the walking season. Did not expect the shoes to “switch on” Stephan’s military training—like a Spanish Buzz Lightyear, only with less dancing and more German accusations of hiding his granola bar.
March Galiano Island hike
March: Galiano Island—another first! Surprised by Stephan with a birthday day-trip and hike. He needed some rest so I stalked him like a cougar.
April Juan de Fuca hike Vancouver Island
April: Hiking (part of) the Juan de Fuca trail with Stephan, my brother Joel, his girlfriend Sarah and their friends. How, in five years living in Victoria, did I never once come out here?
May Ted Newman memorial Cumberland Jr. school
May: This one’s sad. Ted Newman, the father of my dearest friend, beloved teacher at Cumberland Junior School, gigantic cedar of a man, passed away suddenly in late April. The memorial put on by his school was incredible.
June Portland Oregon Kat visit
June: Eating disgustingly decadent donuts in Portland with Kat and Stephan. A trio of pasties with their pastries. And just look at that smile on Stephan’s face! Like a ray of sunshine!
July Germany hike
July: Germany and a 5-day hike in the Steineneer Meer (Stony Sea). Stephan thinks he can see his house but I keep telling him it’s a mountain; he really needs new glasses.
August Labrador helicopter
August: Had a bit of a family reunion in Comox. Kids, aunts, uncles, and some lady claiming to be our long-lost babysitter who stole a package of hot dogs and a garden gnome.
September kayak Vancouver
September: Learning how to get out of and back into a kayak. Aquatically. Stephan’s just out of camera shot and about to learn too…though he doesn’t know it yet…
October Katy Bamfield
October: Visiting Bamfield and getting to spend so much time with this little lady and scientist extraordinaire, Katy Hind.
November Enbridge protest Vancouver
November: The Nov. 16th rally against the building of the Enbridge Northern Gateway pipeline. Really my first time taking a stand—even a tiny one—on an issue in public. I have a long way to go in this regard.
December school science notebooks
December: Learning how to be a scientist with the kindergarten / grade 1 class of my friend, Louesa Byrne. I am amazed and just delighted with the growth in observation and communication skills of these lovely little monsters over the past few months. Plus they sang Jingle Bell Rock for me on my last visit.

What are some of your highlights from 2013?

One Response

  1. I love reading your blog:) and, Stephan cracks me up. Looks like you had a great year!

    Some of my high lights…I got a great job. I escaped academia at UNB with a Master’s. At least I know have my life back! I settled in to my new house here in Florida. And, Dan and I bought our little furbaby, Darwin:)

    It’s been a good year with good changes. I can only hope next year will be even better. At least, I’ll work on it!

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